Disappearing digital resources

One of the most striking aspects of our JISC funded Open-Educational-Resources Impact study was the extent to which using digital resources has become embedded in teaching practice. Digital resources are ‘disappearing into use’ as they become part of the fabric of higher education.

We interviewed strategists, academics and students to find out how they found and used digital resources. It wasn’t surprising to find that students were Googling for anything they could get their hands on but the extent to which academics are doing this as well was unexpected. The difference between the groups was that staff have the expertise required to critically evaluate what they find while the students are nervous about waiting-time using resources which might prove to be off-topic. They are also uncertain of how to cite non-traditional resources or if they should admit to using them as all. This is a good example of where digital literacy and traditional research skills are both essential.

But what about licensing? Well, those whose practice was highly visible on the web and therefore closely tied to the reputation of their institution were keen to use openly licensed materials. E.g. an online distance elearning team or groups that make modules which are rereleased out onto the web. Those in course or programme teams were less focused on licensing because their practice is largely private – within the VLE, in the lecture theatre etc. In day-to-day teaching the technicalities of reuse come second to the potential of a resource to make the student’s learning experience richer.

The OER Impact project analysed the link between the value of use and its impact in teaching and learning. There is a full research report and a shorter ‘accessible’ report available for download from JISC. Or you can watch the short video below to get an overview of our findings.

The video is published under a Creative Commons Attribution licence (CC BY)

OER Impact project team-

Technology-Assisted Lifelong Learning:
Mr David White
Ms Marion Manton

Learning Technologies Group:
Dr Elizabeth Masterman
Ms Joanna Wild

4 thoughts on “Disappearing digital resources

  1. Rick Loup Reply

    Dear David

    I was very interested to hear about your report. As Multimedia Services Development Officer at EDINA, I’m interested in video citation practice but am finding it hard to find evidence. You say:
    “The report advises staff to help develop students’ digital literacy skills especially in the area of critical analysis of resources – for example by making them aware of citation standards that exist for online videos and podcasts.”

    Where would you advise I should look to find these standards?

    Thanks very much


  2. [...] I would have embedded the OER Impact project video here, but WordPress.com doesn’t seem to support... blog.ouseful.info/2011/09/03/oers-public-service-education-and-open-production
  3. [...] In this Disappearing of digital resources [...]... suifaijohnmak.wordpress.com/2011/09/03/a-digital-of-what
  4. [...] we are collecting for the Visitors and Residents project and from interviewing students for our study on... tallblog.conted.ox.ac.uk/index.php/2011/09/30/the-learning-black-market

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